Powershell script to create an Umbraco package in Umbraco’s native file format

logo-powershell-umbracoSince I like using Powershell for my build scripts for various projects I thought it would be handy to create a Powershell script to create an Umbraco package in it’s native package format. I’ve added this script template to my GitHub Umbraco Scripts repository which you can see here: http://bit.ly/1kM9g9g

I’ve tried to add a bit of documentation to this script and in theory you should only need to set up the paths properly. You’ll also need to ensure that you initially create the package in the back office of Umbraco in order to generate the createdPackages.config as mentioned in the script notes.

I use this script in Articulate’s build script so at least I can also provide an example of using it which you can see here: https://github.com/Shazwazza/Articulate/blob/master/build/build.ps1


Shannon Thompson

I'm a Senior Software Engineer working full time at Microsoft. Previously, I was working at Umbraco HQ for about 10 years. I maintain several open source projects (many related to Umbraco) such as Articulate, Examine and Smidge, and I also have a commercial software offering called ExamineX. Welcome to my blog :)

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