Custom Assembly loading with Asp.Net Core

Building a plugin system in Asp.Net Core is a dream compared to previous Asp.Net versions. In previous versions it was not really feasible to have DLLs located outside of the /bin folder for a web…

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PetaPoco may cause high memory usage with certain queries

If you are using PetaPoco, or NPoco (which seams to be the most up-to-date fork of the project), the title of this post might be a bit scary… but hopefully you won’t have to worry. This really depends…

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Multiple WebApi controllers with the same name but different namespaces

Warren recently reported this issue on Umbraco which prohibits WebApi from routing to two different paths that specify the same controller name but different namespaces. This type of thing is fully su…

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Binding a custom property with model binders

This post was imported from which has been discontinued. These posts now exist here as an archive. They may contain broken links and images.In ASP.Net MVC Model Binders are great but what…

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Custom MVC ModelBinder with Complex Models/Objects/Interfaces using built in MVC Validation

I’ve been creating some cool stuff using ASP.Net MVC 3 lately and came across a situation where I’d like to have quite a complex model/object bound to an Action on my Controller based on a set of post…

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MVC Attributes - ReadOnly vs Editable vs Bind & the DefaultModelBinder

I’ve been learning quite a lot about the DefaultModelBInder and it’s internal behaviour because of the complexities involved with some of the model binding in Umbraco v5 and wanted to point out the be…

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Developing a plugin framework in ASP.NET MVC with medium trust

I’ve recently spent quite a lot of time researching and prototyping different ways to create a plugin engine in ASP.NET MVC3 and primarily finding a nice way to load plugins (DLLs) in from outside of…

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HtmlHelper Table methods

I was hoping that these were built already but couldn’t see any descent results with a quick Google search so figured I’d just write my own… these are now part of the Umbraco v5 codebase. Here’s 2 Htm…

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Umbraco Jupiter Plugins - Part 2 - Routing

This is the second blog post in a series of posts relating to building plugins for Umbraco v5 (Jupiter). Related Posts: Umbraco Jupiter Plugins – Part 1 Disclaimer This post is about developi…

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Using metadata with MEF in Medium Trust

One of the awesome parts of MEF is that you can attach metadata to your objects. This allows you to use the new Lazy<T, TMetadata> object so you can inspect the meta data about an object without…

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