Benchmarking performance of your code between release versions

A while ago in 2016 I posted a question on the BenchmarkDotNet repository about an official way to run benchmarks between Nuget releases and I managed to find some time in 2018 to make that work.…

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Umbraco Down Under Festival 2019

I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at this year’s Umbraco Down Under Festival which was fantastic! Thanks to everyone at KØBEN digital for putting on such a nice event as well to all of the…

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Configuring Azure Active Directory login with Umbraco Members

This post is about configuring Azure Active Directory with Umbraco Members (not Users), meaning this is for your front-end website, not the Umbraco back office. I did write up a post about Azure AD…

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Configuring Azure Active Directory login with Umbraco

It’s been a while since I first set this up and back then not all of these settings were in the new Azure portal, but now that they are getting this all configured is quite easy so here’s the basic…

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How I configure my Umbraco Cloud website to support Nuget packages

This post is about how I have my own website setup on Umbraco Cloud. This is based on my own personal opinions and is not meant to be an Umbraco Cloud ‘best practices’ guide. I’ve written this post since it might help others who have the same requirements as I do.…

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Getting Umbraco to work with Azure Easy Auth

There’s a nifty feature in your Azure App Service that allows you to very quickly add authentication and authorization to your Azure website. You’ll see most folks calling this “Easy Auth” and there’s…

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Easily lock out Umbraco back office users

Want an easy way to lock out all back office users? Maybe you are performing an upgrade and want to make sure there’s no back office activity?Here’s a super handy script to do this:using System;using…

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Easily setup your Umbraco installation with IoC / Dependency Injection

Umbraco supports allowing you to setup and configure any IoC container type that you want to use in your application. For a while now there’s been some sparse documentation on how to achieve this…

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Deploying to Azure from VSTS using publish profiles and msdeploy

In almost all of the examples online about how to deploy various services to Azure, they always list the super easy way to do it and that is to authenticate your current account to your Azure…

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How to lazily set the multi-term rewrite method on queries in Lucene

For wildcard queries in Lucene that you would like to have the results ordered by Score, there’s a trick that you need to do otherwise all of your scores will come back the same. The reason for this…

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