Articulate 4.3.0 with support for markdown code snippets and syntax highlighting

I'm happy to announce that Articulate 4.3.0 is shipped and includes a great new feature that I've been wanting/needing:
The ability to create markdown based posts with support for GitHub style code fences/snippets and syntax highlighting for (almost) any coding language. See #341.
Now I can finally do away with using Live Writer for my blog and having to manually add css classes to the html for syntax highlighting... yes that's what I've been doing ♂️
Once you've updated to the 4.3.0 release, you'll probably need to change the Property Editor of the Articulate Markdown
Data Type to be Articulate Markdown editor
since it's most likely currently configured to the default/basic Umbraco markdown editor.
You'll then need to update your Post.cshtml theme file to include the correct Prism dependencies. For example, here's the update/diff to the VAPOR theme which adds these dependencies. It's just ensuring that the Prism stylesheet is added to the header and the Prism.js dependencies are appended to the Post.cshtml file.
Once that's all done, your set!
Creating markdown posts
If you didn't already know, Articulate has always had a browser based markdown editor to create posts. You can simply go to your Articulate root URL and go to the path: a-new
to load the markdown editor. Previously this editor would require you to authenticate at the end of writing your post (if you weren't already authenticated) but now it requires authentication up-front.
Once it's loaded, it's just a text editor and you can use your all the normal markdown syntax. You can even upload or take photos with the editor
Of course you can just use the back office markdown editor to create or update posts too but I find for quickly getting a post written and published it's faster to use the /a-new
editor... and it works on mobile.
Using code fences with syntax highlighting
GitHub's documentation shows how this works. The typical code fence is 3x back-ticks above and below your code snippet. If you want to add language specific syntax highlighting you can use 3x back-ticks + the language name/alias. For example, c# would be: ```cs
(or c# or csharp) and JavaScript would be ```js
. GitHub's implementation is different from what Articulate uses so it may not be a perfect 1:1 result but should be fairly close. Articulate is using a combination of:
Rendered Examples
There are just rendered examples based on the default prism styles. I wrote this blog post with the Articulate markdown editor so you can see the results.
Here's an example of a rendered csharp code fence:
/// <summary>
/// This is an example of the ArticulateComposer
/// </summary>
[RuntimeLevel(MinLevel = RuntimeLevel.Run)]
public class ArticulateComposer : IUserComposer
public void Compose(Composition composition)
x => new ArticulateTempFileSystem("~/App_Data/Temp/Articulate"));
// TODO: Register remaining services....
Here's an example of a rendered js code fence:
(function () {
'use strict';
* An example of the articulateOptionsManagementController
* @param {any} $scope
* @param {any} $element
* @param {any} $timeout
function articulateOptionsManagementController($scope, $element, $timeout) {
var vm = this;
vm.viewState = "list";
vm.selectedGroup = null;
// TODO: Fill in the rest....
var articulateOptionsMgmtComponent = {
templateUrl: '../../App_Plugins/Articulate/BackOffice/PackageOptions/articulatemgmt.html',
controllerAs: 'vm',
controller: articulateOptionsManagementController
.component('articulateOptionsMgmt', articulateOptionsMgmtComponent);
Here's an example of a rendered ruby code fence:
class Dog
def initialize(breed, name)
# Instance variables
@breed = breed
@name = name
def bark
puts 'Ruff! Ruff!'
def display
puts "I am of #{@breed} breed and my name is #{@name}"